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Zoe Moore Zoe Moore

My Child Learns Differently! So, Now What?

The term ‘learns differently’ is used with parents to indicate that something is wrong.

Yet, it is a fact that we ALL learn differently and so what can be done when your child is falling behind because of ‘their’ difference?

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One Time Creative One Time Creative

What is ‘Family Learning’ and why does it work?

Family learning a term to describe a playful, fun experience that results in a culture of discussion and learning at home and will make the biggest difference to their achievement at school. Here are answers to 3 important questions that you may have about Family Learning.

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One Time Creative One Time Creative

What’s wrong with the definition of dyslexia?

Science has come a long way in understanding how the brain works. Years of research have helped us to realise people can be taught the same thing, in the exact same way, but do different things inside their minds to help them to make sense of the learning.

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