Next steps

to literacy and learning

Who is the programme for?

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This programme is designed to help children who:

  • Skip over words when reading 

  • Read slowly when reading aloud

  • Do not understand or remember what they have read

  • Spell the same word correctly on one page and incorrectly on the next 

  • Struggle to get their ideas down onto paper in writing tasks

  • Have trouble staying focused

Price: £240 for a 6 week programme.


This 6 week programme is delivered by me, via Zoom and is for both you and your child. Each session is 50 minutes long. In our sessions together, I will show you simple skills that are easy to learn and will complement your child's unique way of learning. Practicing these skills for just a few minutes a day will give your child the tools to become independent and resilient learners in the classroom.



What will I learn?

Topics for the programme will include:

  • Getting Learning Fit 

How your mind learns, how to face confusion and manage distractions.

  • Mental Imagery for Words

Using mental imagery to read and spell words.

  • Reading Comprehension

             Strategies and skills for understanding and remembering what you read.  

  • Memory and Sequencing

Practical ideas to develop memory and understand how sequencing helps to solve problems.

  • Mind Maps for Writing

Creating Mind Maps for writing fiction and non-fiction writing.

  • The Importance of Vocabulary for Literacy and Learning

 Using games and activities  to develop a wide vocabulary and deep understanding of words.

These 6 topics will give you a thorough understanding of how to support your child at home so they can understand more from what they read and know how to help themselves with the challenges of writing.



What additional support will I receive?

After each session I will send you support materials so you can practise the topic for that week. There is no need to buy anything additional, I will supply everything you need. The last 15-20 minutes of each session will be dedicated to YOU and is an opportunity to ask questions that arise from the programme or discuss your child’s learning in general.   



If you would like to book your child on to this programme, please contact me for further information.

“The most valuable feature of Zoe's Literacy and Learning programme is that my daughter now understands how her brain works and has learned new techniques that actually work in her day to day life.”

Mum of Phoebe, aged 9