Frequently asked questions

Who do you help?

I help children aged 6-12 who:

  • Are guessing at reading.

  • Have gaps in their understanding.

  • Lack confidence when asked to put pen to paper.

  • Have high anxiety levels when asked to read or write.

  • Can read well but can’t tell you about what they have read.

  • Can read a word correctly on one page but then misreads it on other pages.

I help parents who:

  • Feel that intervention at school isn’t working.

  • Want to help at home but not sure where to start.

  • Have looked at many websites for help but want a real person to advise.

  • Are waiting for school to put in an education plan but want to start getting help in the meantime.

  • Are worried that their child is becoming anxious about learning and doesn’t enjoy going to school.

Are you different from a tutor?

Yes. A tutor works 1:1 with the student and will review class assignments and assist with homework problems. Parents/carers are not involved in the session and so practising what has been taught is up to the student.

I work with families so that children get consistent practise at home; it’s this that makes the biggest difference and guarantees progress with learning.

I teach skills that are simple for families to learn together and can fit easily into their busy day.

Why is it important for me to know what you teach my child?

The best predictor of a child’s success at school is the extent to which families encourage learning at home and involve themselves in their child’s education.

I will help your child to understand their unique way of learning and teach mindset tools which will help them to know what to do when they feel worried about learning at school.

I also coach parents on how to manage the emotions of a child who is struggling to learn.

My child is dyslexic. Can your literacy programme help them?

I have worked in Primary education for over 16 years as a dyslexia consultant, primary school teacher, SENDCO and a literacy specialist. My programme is a result of all my knowledge and experience and is perfect for children who struggle in any area of literacy whether they have a diagnosis or not.

What do your session look like?

Before we begin working together, I offer a free telephone/Zoom call where I speak to you in detail about your child. I not only want to find out the areas of literacy and learning they are struggling with, but also what their strengths are.

My programme consists of 6 sessions on Zoom which happen weekly and are 50 minutes long.

Your child and you are together with me for the first 30 minutes and then the final 20 minutes is an opportunity for you to have personalised coaching and advice from me to help about how to support your child.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me: