Moving on up

with literacy and learning

These are 4 live workshops which can be done in any order. 

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Who is the programme for?

The workshops are designed to help:

  • Children who are in Years 6 and 7 and have been recognised as dyslexic or have difficulties with reading, writing and spelling.

  • Parents wanting to help their child have the best start to their secondary school and how to support them at home.

Price: £100 for all 4 workshops.


Moving on up workshops 1 & 3

Designed for parents and children to attend together.

Delivered via Zoom (term time only).

Your child will: 

  • Learn how dyslexia is a different ability and how to nurture their own strengths and abilities. 

  • Understand 3 main tools that can be used daily to improve memory and organisation.

  • Know how to use multi-sensory study strategies to get homework and study time done quickly and without stress and frustration.

Moving on up workshops 2 & 4

Designed for parents only to attend.

Delivered via Zoom (term time only).

You will: 

  • Understand how to foster your child’s self belief and change the language around dyslexia.

  • Know how to communicate with school and what types of support they can offer your child.

  • Learn how homework can be a positive experience for everyone.

The Moving on up workshops are interactive with activities to help support what you are learning along the way.



If you would like to book your child on to this programme, please contact me for further information.

“The programme solved so much for her. After years of struggling with spelling and feeling ashamed that she couldn’t retain them in a classroom setting, a whole new world has opened up for her.“

Dad of Cassie, aged 12